

Blog games at Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Melt? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Melt?
Sun + Ice Cream -> Melt
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Hydroelectric Power Plant? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Hydroelectric Power Plant?
Fjord + Steam Turbine -> Hydroelectric Power Plant
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Toadette? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Toadette?
Toad + Mario -> Toadette
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Delta Force? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Delta Force?
Mountain Dew + Delta -> Delta Force
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Steam Twister? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Steam Twister?
Steampunk + Twister -> Steam Twister
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Patty Wagon? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Patty Wagon?
Engine + Krabby Patty -> Patty Wagon
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Burning? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Burning?
Catholic Church + Witch -> Burning
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Stoneasaurus? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Stoneasaurus?
Stone + Swampasaurus -> Stoneasaurus
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Fire Golem? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Fire Golem?
Fire Tornado + Golem -> Fire Golem
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Swimming Dinosaur? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Swimming Dinosaur?
Merge the Dinosaur with the Swimming Pool to ultimately craft the Swimming Dinosaur.
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Land Rover? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Land Rover?
Finally, combine Earth with the Mountain Car to achieve the ultimate creation: a Land Rover.
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Popstar? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Popstar?
Popcorn + Star -> Popstar
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Cactus Egg? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Cactus Egg?
Craft Cactus Egg: Combine Easter Egg with Cactus.
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Corpse? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Corpse?
Coral + Dead Sea -> Corpse
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Streetlight? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Streetlight?
Electricity + Road -> Streetlight
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Flying Carpet? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Flying Carpet?
Wind + Sultana -> Flying Carpet
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Jokull? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Jokull?
Iceland + Jonah -> Jokull
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Goatea? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Goatea?
Tea + Goat = Goatea
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Prison Tornado? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Prison Tornado?
The last step involves merging Tornado with Prison Break, culminating in the creation of the Prison Tornado.
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Turtle Soup? img
Infinite Craft Recipes - How to make Turtle Soup?
Fisherman + Turtle -> Turtle Soup